The Last White Man is a dark satire/psychological thriller with a focus on race, identity, and social politics in modern day America. Karl Gordon, an underemployed pizza delivery boy, works in his quiet suburban hometown where romantic, professional, and social failures fuel his hatred for the changing world around him, setting him on a course that can only lead to carnage.
Ryan Reed as Karl Gordon
Simon Janai Parrish as Keisha Booker
Ian Golden as Kevin Brown
Kelley Marina as Lindsey West
Sidney Manfred Maycock III as Braden Carlisle
Patrick Heraghty as Vinnie Rizzo
Directed and Edited by Mark L. Mazzeo
Written and Produced by Dean Tatulli & Mark L. Mazzeo
Director of Photography: Dean Tatulli
Original Music by Andrew Rinaldi
© Dean Tatulli & Mark L. Mazzeo 2020